1. Deunyddiau swyddogaethol a chyfryngol fferyllol
2. Synthesis blociau wedi'u torri a synthesis o lyfrgelloedd cyfansawdd
3. Synthesis Cynnyrch Terfynol
4. Prosesu Ymchwil ac Ymhelaethu Cynnyrch
Manteision Synthesis Custom
2. The documents and materials that can be provided in the customized synthesis of compounds: compound synthesis records (synthesis original records, TLC diagrams, etc.), high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), gas chromatography (GC), mass spectrometry (MS ), Dadansoddiad Magnetig Niwclear (NMR) aros.
Eiddo deallusol yw ased mwyaf gwerthfawr y cwmni a'i gwsmeriaid.